Module genetic

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from mfold_library import Strand, Region, Mfold, EnergyMatrix
from math import exp, sqrt
import numpy as np
from random import randrange, random, sample, choice
import json

BOLTZMANN = 1.38064852 * (10**-23)
AVOGADRO = 6.0221409 * (10**23)

class Sequence:
        A class used to represent a Sequence (which is made up of several Strands). It is defined by a strand
        structure and a dictionary defining the bases of the Regions with lowercased names.
        def __init__(self, region_definitions, strand_structures):
                        region_definitions: A map from lowercased region names to string of bases
                        strand_structures: A list of strand structures. Each strand structure is represented by a list of Region.
                self.region_definitions = region_definitions
                self.strand_structures = strand_structures

        def random_sequence(sequence_structure):
                Generates a random Sequence object with a given structure.
                        sequence_structure: A list of Regions for each strand.
                        A Sequence object with randomized bases and the given structure.
                region_defs = {}
                for strand_structure in sequence_structure:
                        for region in strand_structure:
                                if not in region_defs:
                                        region_defs[] = "".join([choice(list(Strand.allowed_bases))
                                                                                                                for i in range(0, region.length)])
                return Sequence(region_defs, sequence_structure)

        def mutate(self, mutation_rate):
                Mutates the sequence.
                        mutation_rate: Mutate 1 out of every mutation_rate bases
                for region in self.region_definitions:
                        bases = list(self.region_definitions[region])
                        for i in range(len(bases)):
                                if randrange(mutation_rate) == 0:
                                        bases[i] = sample(Strand.allowed_bases, 1)[0]
                        self.region_definitions[region] = "".join(bases)

        def _mate_bases(bases1, bases2):
                Creates a new string of bases by mating 2 bases together.
                        bases1: A string of bases representing the first parent.
                        bases2: A string of bases representing the second parent.
                        A string of bases, with each base randomly chosen from one of the two parent strings.
                child = list(bases1)
                for i in range(len(bases1)):
                        if randrange(1) == 0:
                                child[i] = bases2[i]
                return "".join(child)

        def _mate_bases_crossover(bases1, bases2):
                midpoint = int(len(bases1)/2)
                if random() > 0.5:
                        return bases1[:midpoint] + bases2[midpoint:]
                        return bases2[:midpoint] + bases1[midpoint:]

        def mate(sequence1, sequence2):
                Create a new Sequence object by mating 2 sequences together.
                        sequence1: The first parent to mate.
                        sequence2: The second parent to mate.
                        A new Sequence object, created by mating each Region definition.
                if sequence1.strand_structures != sequence2.strand_structures:
                        raise ValueError('The sequences being mated have different structures')

                child_regions = {}
                for region in sequence1.region_definitions:
                        child_regions[region] = Sequence._mate_bases(sequence1.region_definitions[region], sequence2.region_definitions[region])

                return Sequence(child_regions, sequence1.strand_structures)

        def build_strand(self, strand_structure):
                Given a strand structure, generate the Strand object.
                        strand_structure: A list of Regions
                        A Strand object with bases from the region_definitions.
                bases = ""
                for region in strand_structure:
                                bases += self.region_definitions[]
                                bases += Strand.complement(self.region_definitions[])[::-1] # Reversed, because strands only bind in the opposite direction

                return Strand(bases, strand_structure)

        def fitness(self, mfold, cache):
                Calculate the fitness of the sequence.
                        mfold: The mfold object to run calculations with.
                        A number representing the fitness of the sequence.
                region_hash = json.dumps(self.region_definitions, sort_keys=True)
                if not region_hash in cache:
                        strands = [self.build_strand(strand_structure) for strand_structure in self.strand_structures]
                        energy_matrix = EnergyMatrix(mfold, strands)
                        cache[region_hash] = energy_matrix.matrix
                return np.linalg.norm(cache[region_hash])

        def print(self):
                Prints out the strands in the sequence.
                for strand_struct in self.strand_structures:
                        built_strand = self.build_strand(strand_struct)

class GeneticAlgorithm:
        Implementation of the genetic algorithm
        def __init__(self, structure, mfold_command, population_size=50, mutation_rate=100, iterations=100, boltzmann_factor=1000/(TEMPERATURE * AVOGADRO * BOLTZMANN), initial_sequences=[]):
                        structure: A list of strand structures
                        population_size: The number of sequences in a population
                        mutation_rate: Reciprocal of the rate of mutation
                        initial_sequences: A list of user defined sequences to include in the initial population
                        population: A list of sequences
                self.iterations = iterations
                self.population_size = population_size
                self.mutation_rate = mutation_rate
                self.boltzmann_factor = boltzmann_factor
                self.population = initial_sequences + [Sequence.random_sequence(structure) for i in range(population_size - len(initial_sequences))]
                self.mfold = Mfold(output_folder='./', mfold_command=mfold_command)
                self.cache = {}
                self.fitness_history = []
                self.diversity_history = []

        def iterate(self):
                Do one iteration of the genetic algorithm.
                # Find the fitness of each sequence in the population
                fitnesses = [, self.cache) for sequence in self.population]
                power_sum = sum([exp(-fitness*self.boltzmann_factor) for fitness in fitnesses])
                weighted_fitnesses = [exp(-fitness*self.boltzmann_factor)/power_sum for fitness in fitnesses]
                self.fitness_history += [fitnesses]

                # Save the best child
                best_child = self.population[np.argmax(weighted_fitnesses)]

                # Mate strands at random, weighted by fitness level
                #midpoint = sum(weighted_fitnesses[:int(self.population_size/2)])
                self.population = [self.generate_child(weighted_fitnesses) for i in range(self.population_size - 1)]

                # Mutate the strands
                for sequence in self.population:


        def _round_up(self, weights, number):
                Given a list of weights, find out which member of the population a number refers to.
                Example: ([0.5, 0.5], 0.75) => 1
                                 ([0.5, 0.5], 0.25) => 0
                        weights: The probability of each member of the population to be chosen as a parent.
                        number: The number that we want to find the Sequence of.
                        The Sequence in the population.
                curr = 0
                for i in range(len(weights)):
                        curr += weights[i]
                        if curr > number:
                                return self.population[i]

                return self.population[-1]

        def generate_child(self, weighted_fitnesses):
                Generate a child from the population.
                        weighted_fitnesses: The probability of each member of the population to be chosen as a parent.
                        A child Sequence.
                parent1 = self._round_up(weighted_fitnesses, random())
                parent2 = self._round_up(weighted_fitnesses, random())
                return Sequence.mate(parent1, parent2)

        def generate_child_segregated(self, weighted_fitnesses, divide):
                Generate a child from the population where the population is segregated at the divide point.
                if random() > 0.5:
                        # Pick from below divide
                        parent1 = self._round_up(weighted_fitnesses, divide * random())
                        parent2 = self._round_up(weighted_fitnesses, divide * random())
                        return Sequence.mate(parent1, parent2)
                        parent1 = self._round_up(weighted_fitnesses, 1 - (1 - divide) * random())
                        parent2 = self._round_up(weighted_fitnesses, 1 - (1 - divide) * random())
                        return Sequence.mate(parent1, parent2)

        def run(self):
                Run the genetic algorithm.
                for i in range(self.iterations):
                        print("ITERATION", i)

        def diversity(self):
                Computes the diversity of the Sequences in the population.
                first_region_label = self.population[0].strand_structures[0][0].name.lower()
                region_length = len(self.population[0].region_definitions[first_region_label])
                base_counts = [{'A': 0, 'C': 0 , 'T': 0, 'G': 0} for x in range(region_length)]
                for seq in self.population:
                        bases = seq.region_definitions[first_region_label]
                        for i in range(region_length):
                                base_counts[i][bases[i]] += 1
                avg = self.population_size/4.0
                base_diversity = [sqrt((base['A'] - avg)**2 + (base['C'] - avg)**2 + (base['T'] - avg)**2 + (base['G'] - avg)**2)/sqrt(3) for base in base_counts]
                return sum(base_diversity)/len(base_diversity)

        def print_population(self):
                Prints all the sequences in the population.
                for sequence in self.population:
                        print(, self.cache))


def random(...)

random() -> x in the interval [0, 1).


class GeneticAlgorithm (structure, mfold_command, population_size=50, mutation_rate=100, iterations=100, boltzmann_factor=0.38778782544220636, initial_sequences=[])

Implementation of the genetic algorithm


A list of strand structures
The number of sequences in a population
Reciprocal of the rate of mutation
A list of user defined sequences to include in the initial population


A list of sequences
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class GeneticAlgorithm:
        Implementation of the genetic algorithm
        def __init__(self, structure, mfold_command, population_size=50, mutation_rate=100, iterations=100, boltzmann_factor=1000/(TEMPERATURE * AVOGADRO * BOLTZMANN), initial_sequences=[]):
                        structure: A list of strand structures
                        population_size: The number of sequences in a population
                        mutation_rate: Reciprocal of the rate of mutation
                        initial_sequences: A list of user defined sequences to include in the initial population
                        population: A list of sequences
                self.iterations = iterations
                self.population_size = population_size
                self.mutation_rate = mutation_rate
                self.boltzmann_factor = boltzmann_factor
                self.population = initial_sequences + [Sequence.random_sequence(structure) for i in range(population_size - len(initial_sequences))]
                self.mfold = Mfold(output_folder='./', mfold_command=mfold_command)
                self.cache = {}
                self.fitness_history = []
                self.diversity_history = []

        def iterate(self):
                Do one iteration of the genetic algorithm.
                # Find the fitness of each sequence in the population
                fitnesses = [, self.cache) for sequence in self.population]
                power_sum = sum([exp(-fitness*self.boltzmann_factor) for fitness in fitnesses])
                weighted_fitnesses = [exp(-fitness*self.boltzmann_factor)/power_sum for fitness in fitnesses]
                self.fitness_history += [fitnesses]

                # Save the best child
                best_child = self.population[np.argmax(weighted_fitnesses)]

                # Mate strands at random, weighted by fitness level
                #midpoint = sum(weighted_fitnesses[:int(self.population_size/2)])
                self.population = [self.generate_child(weighted_fitnesses) for i in range(self.population_size - 1)]

                # Mutate the strands
                for sequence in self.population:


        def _round_up(self, weights, number):
                Given a list of weights, find out which member of the population a number refers to.
                Example: ([0.5, 0.5], 0.75) => 1
                                 ([0.5, 0.5], 0.25) => 0
                        weights: The probability of each member of the population to be chosen as a parent.
                        number: The number that we want to find the Sequence of.
                        The Sequence in the population.
                curr = 0
                for i in range(len(weights)):
                        curr += weights[i]
                        if curr > number:
                                return self.population[i]

                return self.population[-1]

        def generate_child(self, weighted_fitnesses):
                Generate a child from the population.
                        weighted_fitnesses: The probability of each member of the population to be chosen as a parent.
                        A child Sequence.
                parent1 = self._round_up(weighted_fitnesses, random())
                parent2 = self._round_up(weighted_fitnesses, random())
                return Sequence.mate(parent1, parent2)

        def generate_child_segregated(self, weighted_fitnesses, divide):
                Generate a child from the population where the population is segregated at the divide point.
                if random() > 0.5:
                        # Pick from below divide
                        parent1 = self._round_up(weighted_fitnesses, divide * random())
                        parent2 = self._round_up(weighted_fitnesses, divide * random())
                        return Sequence.mate(parent1, parent2)
                        parent1 = self._round_up(weighted_fitnesses, 1 - (1 - divide) * random())
                        parent2 = self._round_up(weighted_fitnesses, 1 - (1 - divide) * random())
                        return Sequence.mate(parent1, parent2)

        def run(self):
                Run the genetic algorithm.
                for i in range(self.iterations):
                        print("ITERATION", i)

        def diversity(self):
                Computes the diversity of the Sequences in the population.
                first_region_label = self.population[0].strand_structures[0][0].name.lower()
                region_length = len(self.population[0].region_definitions[first_region_label])
                base_counts = [{'A': 0, 'C': 0 , 'T': 0, 'G': 0} for x in range(region_length)]
                for seq in self.population:
                        bases = seq.region_definitions[first_region_label]
                        for i in range(region_length):
                                base_counts[i][bases[i]] += 1
                avg = self.population_size/4.0
                base_diversity = [sqrt((base['A'] - avg)**2 + (base['C'] - avg)**2 + (base['T'] - avg)**2 + (base['G'] - avg)**2)/sqrt(3) for base in base_counts]
                return sum(base_diversity)/len(base_diversity)

        def print_population(self):
                Prints all the sequences in the population.
                for sequence in self.population:
                        print(, self.cache))


def diversity(self)

Computes the diversity of the Sequences in the population.

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def diversity(self):
        Computes the diversity of the Sequences in the population.
        first_region_label = self.population[0].strand_structures[0][0].name.lower()
        region_length = len(self.population[0].region_definitions[first_region_label])
        base_counts = [{'A': 0, 'C': 0 , 'T': 0, 'G': 0} for x in range(region_length)]
        for seq in self.population:
                bases = seq.region_definitions[first_region_label]
                for i in range(region_length):
                        base_counts[i][bases[i]] += 1
        avg = self.population_size/4.0
        base_diversity = [sqrt((base['A'] - avg)**2 + (base['C'] - avg)**2 + (base['T'] - avg)**2 + (base['G'] - avg)**2)/sqrt(3) for base in base_counts]
        return sum(base_diversity)/len(base_diversity)
def generate_child(self, weighted_fitnesses)

Generate a child from the population.


The probability of each member of the population to be chosen as a parent.


A child Sequence.

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def generate_child(self, weighted_fitnesses):
        Generate a child from the population.
                weighted_fitnesses: The probability of each member of the population to be chosen as a parent.
                A child Sequence.
        parent1 = self._round_up(weighted_fitnesses, random())
        parent2 = self._round_up(weighted_fitnesses, random())
        return Sequence.mate(parent1, parent2)
def generate_child_segregated(self, weighted_fitnesses, divide)

Generate a child from the population where the population is segregated at the divide point.

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def generate_child_segregated(self, weighted_fitnesses, divide):
        Generate a child from the population where the population is segregated at the divide point.
        if random() > 0.5:
                # Pick from below divide
                parent1 = self._round_up(weighted_fitnesses, divide * random())
                parent2 = self._round_up(weighted_fitnesses, divide * random())
                return Sequence.mate(parent1, parent2)
                parent1 = self._round_up(weighted_fitnesses, 1 - (1 - divide) * random())
                parent2 = self._round_up(weighted_fitnesses, 1 - (1 - divide) * random())
                return Sequence.mate(parent1, parent2)
def iterate(self)

Do one iteration of the genetic algorithm.

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def iterate(self):
        Do one iteration of the genetic algorithm.
        # Find the fitness of each sequence in the population
        fitnesses = [, self.cache) for sequence in self.population]
        power_sum = sum([exp(-fitness*self.boltzmann_factor) for fitness in fitnesses])
        weighted_fitnesses = [exp(-fitness*self.boltzmann_factor)/power_sum for fitness in fitnesses]
        self.fitness_history += [fitnesses]

        # Save the best child
        best_child = self.population[np.argmax(weighted_fitnesses)]

        # Mate strands at random, weighted by fitness level
        #midpoint = sum(weighted_fitnesses[:int(self.population_size/2)])
        self.population = [self.generate_child(weighted_fitnesses) for i in range(self.population_size - 1)]

        # Mutate the strands
        for sequence in self.population:

def print_population(self)

Prints all the sequences in the population.

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def print_population(self):
        Prints all the sequences in the population.
        for sequence in self.population:
                print(, self.cache))
def run(self)

Run the genetic algorithm.

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def run(self):
        Run the genetic algorithm.
        for i in range(self.iterations):
                print("ITERATION", i)
class Sequence (region_definitions, strand_structures)

A class used to represent a Sequence (which is made up of several Strands). It is defined by a strand structure and a dictionary defining the bases of the Regions with lowercased names.


A map from lowercased region names to string of bases
A list of strand structures. Each strand structure is represented by a list of Region.
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class Sequence:
        A class used to represent a Sequence (which is made up of several Strands). It is defined by a strand
        structure and a dictionary defining the bases of the Regions with lowercased names.
        def __init__(self, region_definitions, strand_structures):
                        region_definitions: A map from lowercased region names to string of bases
                        strand_structures: A list of strand structures. Each strand structure is represented by a list of Region.
                self.region_definitions = region_definitions
                self.strand_structures = strand_structures

        def random_sequence(sequence_structure):
                Generates a random Sequence object with a given structure.
                        sequence_structure: A list of Regions for each strand.
                        A Sequence object with randomized bases and the given structure.
                region_defs = {}
                for strand_structure in sequence_structure:
                        for region in strand_structure:
                                if not in region_defs:
                                        region_defs[] = "".join([choice(list(Strand.allowed_bases))
                                                                                                                for i in range(0, region.length)])
                return Sequence(region_defs, sequence_structure)

        def mutate(self, mutation_rate):
                Mutates the sequence.
                        mutation_rate: Mutate 1 out of every mutation_rate bases
                for region in self.region_definitions:
                        bases = list(self.region_definitions[region])
                        for i in range(len(bases)):
                                if randrange(mutation_rate) == 0:
                                        bases[i] = sample(Strand.allowed_bases, 1)[0]
                        self.region_definitions[region] = "".join(bases)

        def _mate_bases(bases1, bases2):
                Creates a new string of bases by mating 2 bases together.
                        bases1: A string of bases representing the first parent.
                        bases2: A string of bases representing the second parent.
                        A string of bases, with each base randomly chosen from one of the two parent strings.
                child = list(bases1)
                for i in range(len(bases1)):
                        if randrange(1) == 0:
                                child[i] = bases2[i]
                return "".join(child)

        def _mate_bases_crossover(bases1, bases2):
                midpoint = int(len(bases1)/2)
                if random() > 0.5:
                        return bases1[:midpoint] + bases2[midpoint:]
                        return bases2[:midpoint] + bases1[midpoint:]

        def mate(sequence1, sequence2):
                Create a new Sequence object by mating 2 sequences together.
                        sequence1: The first parent to mate.
                        sequence2: The second parent to mate.
                        A new Sequence object, created by mating each Region definition.
                if sequence1.strand_structures != sequence2.strand_structures:
                        raise ValueError('The sequences being mated have different structures')

                child_regions = {}
                for region in sequence1.region_definitions:
                        child_regions[region] = Sequence._mate_bases(sequence1.region_definitions[region], sequence2.region_definitions[region])

                return Sequence(child_regions, sequence1.strand_structures)

        def build_strand(self, strand_structure):
                Given a strand structure, generate the Strand object.
                        strand_structure: A list of Regions
                        A Strand object with bases from the region_definitions.
                bases = ""
                for region in strand_structure:
                                bases += self.region_definitions[]
                                bases += Strand.complement(self.region_definitions[])[::-1] # Reversed, because strands only bind in the opposite direction

                return Strand(bases, strand_structure)

        def fitness(self, mfold, cache):
                Calculate the fitness of the sequence.
                        mfold: The mfold object to run calculations with.
                        A number representing the fitness of the sequence.
                region_hash = json.dumps(self.region_definitions, sort_keys=True)
                if not region_hash in cache:
                        strands = [self.build_strand(strand_structure) for strand_structure in self.strand_structures]
                        energy_matrix = EnergyMatrix(mfold, strands)
                        cache[region_hash] = energy_matrix.matrix
                return np.linalg.norm(cache[region_hash])

        def print(self):
                Prints out the strands in the sequence.
                for strand_struct in self.strand_structures:
                        built_strand = self.build_strand(strand_struct)

Static methods

def mate(sequence1, sequence2)

Create a new Sequence object by mating 2 sequences together.


The first parent to mate.
The second parent to mate.


A new Sequence object, created by mating each Region definition.

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def mate(sequence1, sequence2):
        Create a new Sequence object by mating 2 sequences together.
                sequence1: The first parent to mate.
                sequence2: The second parent to mate.
                A new Sequence object, created by mating each Region definition.
        if sequence1.strand_structures != sequence2.strand_structures:
                raise ValueError('The sequences being mated have different structures')

        child_regions = {}
        for region in sequence1.region_definitions:
                child_regions[region] = Sequence._mate_bases(sequence1.region_definitions[region], sequence2.region_definitions[region])

        return Sequence(child_regions, sequence1.strand_structures)
def random_sequence(sequence_structure)

Generates a random Sequence object with a given structure.


A list of Regions for each strand.


A Sequence object with randomized bases and the given structure.

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def random_sequence(sequence_structure):
        Generates a random Sequence object with a given structure.
                sequence_structure: A list of Regions for each strand.
                A Sequence object with randomized bases and the given structure.
        region_defs = {}
        for strand_structure in sequence_structure:
                for region in strand_structure:
                        if not in region_defs:
                                region_defs[] = "".join([choice(list(Strand.allowed_bases))
                                                                                                        for i in range(0, region.length)])
        return Sequence(region_defs, sequence_structure)


def build_strand(self, strand_structure)

Given a strand structure, generate the Strand object.


A list of Regions


A Strand object with bases from the region_definitions.

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def build_strand(self, strand_structure):
        Given a strand structure, generate the Strand object.
                strand_structure: A list of Regions
                A Strand object with bases from the region_definitions.
        bases = ""
        for region in strand_structure:
                        bases += self.region_definitions[]
                        bases += Strand.complement(self.region_definitions[])[::-1] # Reversed, because strands only bind in the opposite direction

        return Strand(bases, strand_structure)
def fitness(self, mfold, cache)

Calculate the fitness of the sequence.


The mfold object to run calculations with.


A number representing the fitness of the sequence.

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def fitness(self, mfold, cache):
        Calculate the fitness of the sequence.
                mfold: The mfold object to run calculations with.
                A number representing the fitness of the sequence.
        region_hash = json.dumps(self.region_definitions, sort_keys=True)
        if not region_hash in cache:
                strands = [self.build_strand(strand_structure) for strand_structure in self.strand_structures]
                energy_matrix = EnergyMatrix(mfold, strands)
                cache[region_hash] = energy_matrix.matrix
        return np.linalg.norm(cache[region_hash])
def mutate(self, mutation_rate)

Mutates the sequence.


Mutate 1 out of every mutation_rate bases
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def mutate(self, mutation_rate):
        Mutates the sequence.
                mutation_rate: Mutate 1 out of every mutation_rate bases
        for region in self.region_definitions:
                bases = list(self.region_definitions[region])
                for i in range(len(bases)):
                        if randrange(mutation_rate) == 0:
                                bases[i] = sample(Strand.allowed_bases, 1)[0]
                self.region_definitions[region] = "".join(bases)
def print(self)

Prints out the strands in the sequence.

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def print(self):
        Prints out the strands in the sequence.
        for strand_struct in self.strand_structures:
                built_strand = self.build_strand(strand_struct)